Orders of Knighthood

There are numerous forms of knighthood in the Flanaess — types bestowed by sovereign rulers, those granted by greater and lesser nobles, and those conferred by the principal clerics of certain states. These various degrees are not held in equal regard. Some states do not confer knighthood at all, a few bestow it on the cheap, and elsewhere it is of great repute. Thus, for example, the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom are exceedingly formidable, while those of Medegia are looked upon with near contempt, as it is well known that the title is offered for sale. Only the following three are true orders of knighthood, however. The Knights of the Shield: This order is detailed in the description of the Shield Lands (q.v.). Knights of the Watch: Certain stout soldiers from the lands of Bissel, Gran March, Geoff, and Keoland are invited to join this order, which is pledged to protect the east from incursions of the Paynims and the other Westerlings. These knights hold certain castles, keeps, and strongholds along the Ketish border and elsewhere in the western mountains. The Watchers are a near-monastic order and very strictly disciplined. Their current Grand Commander is Hugo of Geoff. There are reported to be 5,000 in the order. The coat of arms of the Knights of the Watch is Sable, an owl displayed argent. Order of the Hart: Far less militant in its outlook, and divided into three separate branches, the Knights of the Order of the Hart were organized to assure that the central states (Furyondy, Veluna, High Folk) retained their freedom and purpose. Because these nations are quite decentralized and none maintains any sizable standing military force, each is subject to sudden incursions and threats from neighbors. In the east and north are the humanoid hordes and the barbarian nomads. To the west are the Baklunish states and the only slightly less threatening marches and military orders between, as well as Perrenland with its aggressive trade policies and well-organized soldiery to back them up. There is little threat from the south, save for occasional pirates on the Nyr Dyv and some more-or-less bothersome raiding from humanoids. Thus, while each nobleman and lord of these nations has his own guards and men-at-arms, and each sovereign ruler maintains a small body of troops, most of the might of Furyondy, Veluna, and the High Folk takes a considerable time to muster. The Knights of the Hart are therefore sworn to be ready at an instant's notice to serve as a vanguard. They maintain certain strongholds, serve in various capacities in the associated nations, and have roving troops scouting trouble areas and hostile borders as well. The three branches of the Knights of the Order of the Hart are: — Knights of F"uryondy: There are 200 knights and many men-at-arms under their command in this branch of the order. Their coat of arms is Azure, a pair of antlers or. — Knights of Veluna: It is said that there are but 80 knights in this branch of the Order of the Hart, although each is of great repute and commands many sergeants and men-at-arms. Their coat of arms is Sable, a pair of antlers or. — Knights of the High Forest: This branch of the order is reputed to be only for those of the Olvenfolk. There are perhaps only two dozen or so knights within the branch. Their coat of arms is Vert, a pair of antlers or. Knighthood in any branch of the Order of the Hart is bestowed only upon freemen and gentlefolk seeking the weal of the states which they are dedicated to uphold and defend. Furthermore, each candidate must be a proven fighter and have performed an act of exceptional honor, bravery, courage, and service. Knights of the Hart are hated and despised by Iuz, the Horned Society, and even by the folk of Dyvers, it is said. There is no love lost between them and the Watchers, the rulers of Perrenland, and certain of the Nyrondel noblesse. Considerable rivalry exists between the orders of the Hart and the Shield.


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