Org Nenshen Master of Greyhawk Thieves' Guild

Org is 43 years old, 5'9" tall, and 180 lbs. Org is a graceful man with blond hair, violet eyes, and tan skin. He always dresses well and likes to keep himself in shape, regularly training at the Thieves' Guildhall. Org was an apprentice thief at the same time as Nerof Gasgal (see Chapter 1), who is now Lord Mayor of Greyhawk and the Assistant Guildmaster. The two have been friends since their early days, and they are now two of the most powerful and influential men in the city.

Although he was a unanimous choice for Guildmaster when the position last became open, Org secretly nurtures a feeling that he got the job through misrepresentation-he is convinced that the position of Guildmaster should have gone to one better qualified than he, and he constantly pushes himself to greater feats of skill and daring to prove himself. Org still actively pursues a thieving career despite his advancing years and vaunted position. (For a full description of Org Nenshen, see page 38 of the GREYHAWK® Adventures book. - now included)

Org will be frequently encountered in conversation with Nerof at the Wheel of Gold. Not a great man for the arts, Org will only attend cultural events within the city when his position on the Directing Oligarchy demands it. Org lives in a mod est but respectable house in the High Quarter (location H15).

Org Nenshen was a young thief rising within the Thieves Guild at the same time as Nerof Gasgal. The two often worked together. Org was present on that disastrous foray when Nerof fell victim to a mage’s magical trap; in fact, it was Org who found Nerof lying motionless with a look of horror on his face. Org helped to pay for the clerical help that restored his friend, and worked tirelessly and secretly to advance Nerofs political career.

As Org advanced within the Thieves Guild, his name became a byword for reckless confidence and skill. When the reigning Guildmaster died, Org was proclaimed Guildmaster almost unanimously, and the Guild has prospered under his leadership.

Org is uncertain of his birthplace. His parents died not long after his birth, and the infant Org was adopted by a cousin, Ramin of Greyhawk City. The greedy Ramin soon showed that his intentions in adopting young Org were to live in luxury by forcing the child to steal for him.

As Ramin should have expected, this activity was noticed by the Thieves Guild. An extremely displeased Guildmaster dispatched several burly thieves to bring Ramin and his young protege to the Guild to answer for their thefts.

When Ramin finally confessed to the sordid practice, the Guildmaster had to be physically restrained from attacking the would-be master thief. The terrified Ramin was grateful to be turned over to the authorities alive. The thieves then turned their attention to young Org.

Easily winning the child’s confidence, the thieves had no trouble putting little Org through a series of tests that proved to their satisfaction that the child had a natural talent as a thief.

Thus began the best part of Org’s life. As an apprentice of the Thieves Guild, he learned everything he was taught with a zeal that pleased his teachers. He soon proved his usefulness at squeezing into gaps that were too small to admit an adult. Before he was sixteen, Org Nenshen was a first level thief, well-respected by his superiors within the guild and rising quickly through the ranks.

During this time, Org was forging a friendship with Nerof Gasgal. The two youths were inveterate competitors, but fast friends. They often worked together, with Nerofs calm, methodical methods tempering Org’s more flamboyant, exuberant style. As the “Gruesome Twosome,” they raked in loot hand over fist from any victim allowed by Guild rules: Those who had not paid for immunity from theft and those of whom the Guild disapproved, were fair game.

The advancement of Nerof and Org was so steady that some of the Guild members were secretly relieved when Nerofs fear of heights forced him into politics. They had foreseen a bitter quarrel between the friends over the eventual Guildmastership. The Thieves Guild instead became fortunate to have two loyal members in the government of Greyhawk.

As Guildmaster, Org’s goals are to cooperate with the Directing Oligarchy to keep Greyhawk safe. Greyhawk is the only home he has ever known, and he realizes that if the city were to fall, his livelihood would be jeoopardized.

Org Nenshen is a compact, graceful man with blond hair, violet eyes, and tan skin. He always dresses well, and is very proud of his elven chainmail, which was a gift from some gray elves whom he assisted in the recovery of a stolen treasure. He practices daily at the Guild, and is an instructor in all the skills necessary for the most promising young apprentices.

Org owns a sling +I, a flame tongue falchion, dagger of throwing, a cloak of the bat, a ring of jumping, boots of elvenkind, and his favorite, a chime ofopening. These items are the rewards of a lifetime of theft, and, with these treasures, Org is all but unstoppable. He has commissioned a new magic item, thieves’ tools of opening, but these have not yet been created.

Despite his success, Org is secretly very insecure. He can’t quite believe that he has risen to such heights and he feels like a fraud. He has always felt this, which is the real reason for his flamboyance. He believes that if people think he is invincible, they will make it so, regardless of his talent (or lack of it). His secret fear of failure drives him on to ever more daring stunts, long after most Guildmasters would be content to rest on their laurels and make a living on the spoils of their underlings.

In addition to his chronic fear of failure, and his secret feeling of fraudulence, he now has a new worry: old age. Org Nenshen is reaching middle age, and this concerns him. An aging thief often finds his skill and agility declining, and the thought fills Org with terror. Without his thief skills, he truly feels that he would be nothing but a middle-aged fraud. The thought of his time running out haunts him, and he is determined to preserve his skills for as long as he can.

Org’s friends are worried. They know that he is taking ever greater risks, and they also know that he won’t always be able to beat the odds. His victims are getting tired of being repeatedly robbed, and are constantly improving their security, with more and more traps, better and newer locks, and various magical defenses. Org has even had to defeat a few lesser guardian daemons, summoned by certain unscrupulous mages to protect their property.

Chief among those who worry about Org is Mayor Nerof Gasgal, who often bitterly regrets that his vertigo and fear of heights forced him into a political career. He believes that if he were Org’s partner again, his cautious nature would sufficiently offset Org’s flamboyance, and perhaps prolong his friend’s life. Nerof has resigned himself to the fact that he will one day hear that Org finally challenged the odds once too often.

From Adventure Begins

Org Nenshen*, Guildmaster of the Guild of Thieves [LN hm T18; hp 58; Dex 18, Int 16, Cha 16; age 52; areas H15/T21]. Very active physically; bright, cheerful, confident, and outgoing; excellent planner, leader, and manager with good grasp of organizational strategy (though he seems reckless committed to destroying evil cults within the city that threaten his guild; has live-in girlfriend.


AC 1 (elven chain, Dex 18 MV 12; T14; hp 50; THACO 14/12; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 +2 (sling + 1 or dagger +2)(sling, short bow, falchion, dagger, sap Str 13, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 16; SA quintuple damage from backstab; AL LN.

Thieving skills: PP 80, OL 85, FT 75, MS 95, HS 80, DN 60, CW 95, RL 50.

Magical items: sling + 1, dagger of throwing, dagger + 2. cloak of the bat, ring of jumping, boots of elvenkind, and chime of opening.


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