Other Major Races


Gnolls, which the Flan call kell, are big, nocturnal, hyena-headed scavengers who band together very loosely. Their packs are riddled with infighting and treachery. Filthy and vile, gnolls are also strong and roam widely through every clime, threatening outly ing areas. They take slaves but always look for more, as gnolls tend to eat them. Some of their largest and most feared warbands include the Scarsavage, Gashclaw, Lowgorge, Foulpelt, Retchtongue, and Battlehowl. Many gnolls dwell in the Pomarj and in Bone March.

Other Folk

Certain huge, wicked races gather only in loose bands that are highly unstable, though often large in size. Members of these races are strong and fierce, and some prefer to ally with or dominate other wicked folk rather than associate with their own savage kindred.

The most vicious of these beings are the trolls, called truknt. Trolls are without fear and often band together with the eiger, as ogres are known; trolls can also be found as guardians in gnoll dens. Stupid, huge, murderous ogres readily join orcs or gnolls to raid and plunder. Buchveer, the hairy goblinoid bug bears, assume mastery of smaller goblin communities whenever it suits them.

Beyond these groups are centaurs, sprites, giants, dragons, lizardfolk, bullywugs, and uncounted other nonhumans on the fringes of civilization. Most do humanity no good, though some ignore the civilized world in the main and a few, such as centaurs, are sometimes allies.


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