
Otto was once a priest of Boccob, the god of magic, hut is now a major wizard and a member of the Circle of Eight. One of the younger membets at age 53, Otto is also one of the most colorful. Otto often poses as a rich, cheerful merchant, but he is easily picked out in a crowd because of his huge girth and his ruffled and beribboned clothing. He is a gourmet constantly in search of new, exotic dishes to sample, and is a patron of the arts. He has a natural talent for music and adds musical elements to his spells, which include singing fireballs and yodeling ice storms.

Once a native of Almor far to the east, Otto has moved to the City of Greyhawk following the complete destruction of his country He can be found visiting the opera house, the Wizards' Guildhall or his fellow Circle members.



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