
One of Tenh's great market towns, Oxton was noted for its central position within Tenh's central belt of rich farmland and for the great oxen bred here. These animals are capable of pulling a plough for two days and a-night without needing rest and are greatly prized by the Fists, who ate most of them and herded the majority of the rest north to their own lands, together with some of the animal herders and breeders who looked after them. Oxton itself was pillaged remorselessly. The Fists took away great chests of money, rich cloth, spices and foodstuffs, together with endless wagon loads of timber and goods from Oxton's houses which were often pulled down to yield their valuables. Oxton is a half-ruined ghost town now, notable only for its strategic location at the junction of several roads and trails, its people are scattered throughout Tenh as slaves or have fled abroad.


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