
Pantarn is a key trade town located on the Att River. Long noted for its seasonal trade fairs, Pantarn has become a banking center, with the practice of using promissory notes originating here and spreading throughout the central provinces. Wealthy merchants pay each other in these notes, eliminating the need to transport large amounts of money.

The great stone Griffin Bridge across the Att, with its fine carved griffin heads, is a source of pride to the townsfolk. Pantarn is very lively, its 2,200 people being high spirited and less law abiding than many Furyondians.

In addition to the excellence of the small garrison here, Pantarn has two other notable features. First, almost as a reaction to the materialistic nature of the town, it boasts two large monasteries occupied by reverers of Rao and Boccob. These monasteries possess excellent historical archives and are treasuries of knowledge and lore. Second, the Tenha herbalist, Schuter Garalend, has made a home here, bringing with him the secret of orcbane. This oily preparation (which evaporates in air in ld6+6 rounds) contains an agent venomous to goblinoids, and any edged weapon coated with it inflicts an additional ld4 points of damage to such creatures. Schuter can prepare only 2d10 + 10 doses per week, and orcbane deteriorates within 1d4 +4 weeks even when sealed in a vial, so he is kept busy by the military whose demand far exceeds his ability to supply.


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