Social Class: Upper.

Power Center: Never.

Buildings: Parks (one large or multiple small), temple (Corellon Larethian, Ehlonna, Obad-Hai, Yondalla), druid circle, fine food (9%), exotic trades (7%), fine trades (12%), fi ne services (25%), fine residences (45%).

Description: Here, the sights of the city (if not necessarily the sounds and smells) fade away, affording visitors a few minutes of peace in an idyllic pastoral setting. Only the wealthier cities can afford parks, which offer open fi elds of grass, orchards of trimmed and tended trees, running brooks, small hills, rocky outcroppings, and perhaps even forest animals. Many parks are fenced, partly to keep vagrants out at night, but also to keep animals in. The district smells of greenery, even if it is tainted by the odor of sweating laborers working nearby. Other than during special occasions, only the moneyed elite can take the time to frequent the park, so most people encountered here are nicely dressed and well groomed.

Plot Hook: Something is eating the various animals— deer, rabbits, birds, and the like—that populate the city’s park. At fi rst, offi cials assumed that a wolf or a similar predator had made its way inside, but the culprit has so far eluded expert hunters—in an area smaller than one square mile. Someone needs to catch this thing, whatever it is, before it empties the park of animals or, worse, begins attacking people.


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