Parras Haradraith, Ambassador of Veluna

Parras is a small man, 5' 4", 142lbs. and 71 years of age, with grey hair (balding at the crown and temples, and cut very short) with brown eyes. He has bags under his eyes, rather fleshy fingers and hands, and has an almost bulldoglike appear- ance. He’s not exactly a snappy dresser, wearing plain white robes (as befits his status as a 12th level priest of Rao) which sometimes rather dingy. However, what Parras lacks in looks he makes up for with a natural charm and true force of personality (Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 18). He pos- sesses an amulet of the planes and one or more candles of invocation.

Parras is a true diplomat-scrupulous, precise, and forceful when he needs to be. His concern is very broad; Veluna watches Iuz and Furyondy, but also Bissel, Ket, and the Gran March and Keoland to the southwest. Parras is also very concerned about the future of Nvrond, and wish es to see more aid channeled there (he frequently meets with Sir Ranald of Nyrond at his home).

Parras is known to be on excellent terms with Jerome, Patriarch of Rao in Greyhawk, although for reasons of appearance, the men do not meet very often; his most frequent meeetings are with the Furyondian ambassador, of course. Dinner with Parras is always agreeable, not the least because his wife Maranda (a 9th-level priestess of Rao herself) is a wonderful director of the cooks in the large kitchen!

Parras has impressed the Directors of the Free City with both his wise advice concerning trade and his public support for Greyhawks' independence. He knows about the funding of Furyondian fleets by Nerof, of course. Parras is a mediator and smoother of disputes, and is mostly very polite and warm. He is, however, a stirring orator and a forceful speech by him will certainly affect and influence his listeners.

Parras and Veluna wish to see the status quo maintained in Greyhawk. Parras knows that Nerof is doing what he can for the force of good, and thinks no less of him because he does this for pragmatic, rather than moral reasons. Parras does not readily judge others, unless they are irredemably evil.

Parras and his household do not stoop to espi- onage, burglary, and the like, although it is likely that powerful divinatory magic may be used by them. The Velunese delegation will not act to stymy the scheming of others, either, preferring to bring such activities to light and pin the blame on the guilty party later on (this is not to say that the Velunese don’t eagerly seek to find out about such plotting and intrigue).

Politically, in addition to its noted concerns, Veluna is very much concerned to end Celene’s isolationism and support the Highfolk. Melf speaks with Parras occasionally on such matters, and provides him with useful information.


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