Passing Through Doors, Gates, and Windows

If a door or gateway is wide enough to accommodate a stand of two figures (or more) at a time, the figures in a unit can pass through the opening using the normal movement rules. Otherwise, the following special procedures apply.

Only one figure at a time can pass through the door, gateway, or other aperture, and the unit pays 1" of movement per figure passing through (or 2" per figure moving through a window). This cost even applies to skirmish units.

If more than one opening is available, figures can move through all the openings simultaneously and only pay the movement cost once for each group of figures that move. For example, if a unit is facing a wall that contains a door and two windows, it could move 4 figures to the other side of the wall by spending 2" of its movement allowance: One figure moves through each window, and two figures pass through the doorway at the same time. Each additional 2" spent can move 4 more figures inside.

A figure cannot end its move directly in an opening, unless the opening is wider than the figure's base. However, a figure can pass through an opening that is narrower than its base, by simply ending its move on the other side of the wall from where it began.


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