Pavel Alektrion Master Thief, Garden Quarter

Pavel is 30 years old, 6'0" tall, and 160 lbs. A debonair young man with a taste for the finer things in life, Pavel maintains a town house in the more fashionable part of the Garden Quarter and is regularly encountered at all the best social gatherings. His Thieves' Guild membership is still a secret; in fashionable society he is known as a flamboyant adventurer who left the city at an early age and returned with great wealth, determined to enjoy life to the full.

Indeed, Pavel has led a distinguished career as an adventurer. The son of a wealthy merchant, his reckless youth brought him into contact with the guild at an early age. Life as a thief held tremendous romantic appeal for the young Pavel, and his advance was rapid. But the adventuring life also beckoned to Pavel, and it was not long before he left the city (although still maintaining his guild membership in his absence) and embarked on a series of adventures, in the course of which he acquired his treasured hand crossbow of speed, his bracers of defense and ring of chameleon power. The wealth he amassed, added to his sizable inheritance, is more than enough for him to maintain a life of luxury and ease for many years to come. Pavel is a thief out of love, not necessity.

Pavel will befriend and ingratiate himself with adventurers he encounters on his hectic social rounds. He will try to size up their strength, resources, and wealth, and get ready to tackle them at a later date. The blackmail potential with adventurers is fairly low, but he will probably try to frame them with a fairly serious misdemeanor or, if he is unsuccessful at parting them from their cash, con them into handing it over somehow. Always remember that Pavel is resourceful and intelligent-he will not betray his identity as a Master Thief or guildmember.

AC 0 (bracers of defense AC 4 and Dex 18 MV 12; T11; hp 42; THAC0 15/13; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 + 1 (hand crossbow of speed Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 15; SA quadruple damage from backstab; AL N.

Thieving skills: PP 80, OL 80, FT 75, MS 85, HS 75, DN 30, CW 80. RL 25

Magical items: bracers of defense AC 4, hand crossbow of speed, and ring of chameleon power.


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