
Along the coast from Safeton, Pelgaryn is a 900-strong den of thieves, black-hearted villains, and scum. Pelgaryn remains very independent and Greyhawk has given up hope of gaining Pelgaryn’s alliance (there are secret plans to invade it with a force of marines and militia).

Pelgaryn folk make a little money by fishing and farming, but they prefer banditry. They raid up the small river and along the coast, mostly to the north, given Safeton’s heavy militia presence. It is rumored that some humanoids survive in Pelgaryn, with an orcish bandit leader of some prowess among their number. The robber-baron of the settlement, Kurias Zeltrin, is said to be a priest of an evil deity (which deity depends on who is telling the tale), in addition to being a very accomplished thief. He is also said to ride a great black stallion equipped with horseshoes of a zephyr on his own raids.


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