Performers band together in guilds both to enable them to put on larger and more spectacular shows, and for the same reasons common laborers do: to gain the protection, respect, and authority they cannot acquire as individuals. A performers guild promotes entertainment events and combines members with complementary talents (such as grouping dancers with musicians, or actors with bards who can create illusory backdrops and special effects). The guild aids its members in finding taverns or theaters in which to ply their trade, or—if the guild maintains a headquarters large enough to double as a theater—draws patrons to them. The guild also provides areas to rehearse and other performers who can aid in practice or critique performances.

Examples: Acting troupe, minstrels’ society, traveling circus.

Associated Classes: Bard, expert, rogue, wizard (illusionist).

Associated Skills: Balance, Disguise, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Perform (any one), Sleight of Hand, Tumble. (Additionally, Handle Animal is common in circuses.) Duties: Members must perform their chosen services in support of other guild members as necessary. This normally requires 1d4–1 days (4 hours/day) each week.

Favored Benefits: In any city wherein the guild maintains a guildhouse, the member can substitute a Perform or Profession check for a Diplomacy or Gather Information check by offering her services for free. In addition, she earns twice the normal income when using her Perform or Profession skill to earn money. These uses of Perform or Profession must match those with which the character has earned guild member ship. For example, a character who joined the guild as an actor cannot apply this benefi t to Profession (blacksmith) checks.

Sample Contact: Gerdi Tindertwig (halfl ing bard 3/expert 3). Gerdi will provide performers and entertainment for a special occasion. Once per year.


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