Perren Striaken, Militia Specialist

AC 311 (leather armor + 1, boots of speed, Dex 18 MV 12; R10; hp 62; THACO 11; #AT 312; Dmg ld6+2 (spear +2 Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12; SA +4 to hit orcs; SD hide in shadows 56%, move silently 70%; AL NG.

Priest spells (AnimaUPlant spheres only) 2 lst, 1 2nd (typically animal friendship, invisibility to animals; speak with animals).

Magical items: leather armor + 1, spear + 2, composite long bow + 1, boots of speed.

Perren is a native hillsman of the Cairns and is wild-eyed and dishevelled. He is 33 years old, 6’ 4”, and gaunt at only 171 Ibs., with thick black curly hair and beard and brown-hazel eyes. Perren has a racial antipathy toward orcs and has slain several score in his time.

Perren is shy and quiet, preferring the company of his four giant lynx pets to most people. His lynxes are astonishingly well trained, and can communicate with Perren through a system of glances, head shakes, paw-lifting, and growls. Perren speaks with them by growling and with head and hand gestures of his own. Effectively, Perren can continuously speak with these creatures as far as simple communication (e.g., whether a creature has been scented, whether the scent is familiar and if so what it is, directional guidance, simple instructions, etc.). Perren’s fellow militia are amazed at his affinity with these creatures, and value him highly.

Perren joined the Ryell Pass garrison at the beginning of 585 CY, accepting service at last due to a broken heart; it has been the equivalent of joining the Foreign Legion without having to leave the hill land he loves so much.


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