Phase Door

A phase door provides one of the best kinds of security devices you can have in a home. You must set it into wood, plaster, or stone, but it then operates as a door only for those you choose, stopping others cold in their tracks. You can program the phase door to open for people with certain observable qualities, including passwords or badges, making it usable by more than just yourself.

While a phase door is useful as an entrance, it can prove even more handy as an exit. When you place such a spell strategically in your bedchamber or the main meeting hall, you can rest assured that you always have a means for a quick getaway for yourself and any you have entrusted with your secret.

When cast by a 13th level spellcaster, the phase door only allows six uses total from either direction. Once the uses are gone, the spell ends, and the phase door is no more.

If you want the convenience and power of a phase door at all times, use it with the permanency spell. Since this costs more than twenty separate castings of phase door, make sure you choose wisely and don’t waste your money. On the other hand, having a permanent phase door means never having to worry about being caught on the wrong side of the door when its uses are gone.

Casting: 910 gp (Wiz13) or 980 gp (Spr14) or 1,200 gp (Clr15)

Permanent: 18,250 gp (15th)


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