Physical Changes in Greyhawk

One major physical change occurred right at the end of the war, when the mysterious magical debacle preceding the signing of the Pact of Greyhawk led to a sweeping conflagration affecting areas of the Old City. Since only one winter has followed this event, repairs have barely been started. Following is a list of changes that have occurred within the Old City (GoF pp. 84-90).

The Great Hall of the Thieves’ Guild (T21) was damaged by the fire, but its magical defenses prevented major catastrophe and internal repairs are well under way. Approximately 20 buildings along Thieves Way were wholly burned down, including locations T20 (Devin Halfhock‘s Pawnshop) and T19 (Zorbo’s House of Fun). Likewise, some 25 buildings on either side of Dim Road were burned down, including locations T22 (Black Orchid Boarding House) and T23, the City Depot. The latter is being rebuilt. A temporary edifice, erected with minor creation, major creation, wall of iron, and wall of stone spells, together with a large tent complex, currently houses the functions of the chief engineer’s many hirelings and charges.

All the buildings between locations T21 (Great Hall) and T18 (the Great Burn) were burned down. Around these areas of wholesale incineration, an area of similar size (it spreads north to the wall of the Old City and southeast almost to Snake Street) suffered lesser fire damage.

In the spring of 582 CU, approximately one-half of these buildings are being rebuilt or restored, while the others are dilapidated ruins whose owners cannot afford to pay for their restoration. Street urchins, beggars, impoverished thieves, and some of the poorest refugees of Greyhawk City live as best they can in these areas.

A second physical change of importance is the swift establishment of a complex of ambassadorial buildings on the east side of Wharf Road in the High Quarter, south of the Wheel of Gold. This has been done to house the many new ambassadors resident in the Free City; of these, two have chosen to live elsewhere (the Aerdi and Scarlet Brotherhood ambassadors). Nerof Gasgal has proved wily here; he owns the Wheel of Gold gambling house, a real den of thieves. The brainwave of building wonderful new residences a stone’s throw from his army of thief-spies was a stroke of old-style cunning.

Aerdi’s ambassador is forced to live at the ambassador’s complex against his will. No place he considered acceptable would rent to him, given his offensiveness. Details of ambassadors are given below and in the Heroes and Villains section of this book.

This complex of buildings is surrounded by a wall, is extensively patrolled by the City Watch and Nightwatchmen (who will allow members of the Thieves’ Guild to pass freely if Nerof requests this), and has some impressive internal security measures!


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