Picking Pockets & Cutting Purses
Attributes: .................Intellect & Dexterity
Level: .........................DF: 3 BCS 40%; 500 Exp
This is the classic bread and butter skill of the street urchin, unwary market goers and crowded tavern dwellers all have the contents of their pockets and purses at risk without realising it. Anyone with the skill Detect Thievery can detect the attempt on their wealth by rolling his own TSC% - PSF% of the pick pocket. The result based on the crit die roll are shown on the table below, Picking Pocket Results.
Those characters who also have training in Sleight of Hand and make a successful skill roll on this before attempting to pick a pocket may add +2% x Crit die result to their TSC% in the Picking Pockets and Cutting Purses for the attempt.