
The bulk of the sewer system is made of up the lateral pipes that carry water from the city. These pipelines exist in four distinct networks, three of which drain under the wharves into the River Selintan, while the fourth (which drains the Old City) empties into an underground stream carrying the water to the southeast.

Each pipe is ten feet in diameter. It slopes downward, almost imperceptibly, in the direction of flow. The pipes are made of tile and fieldstone, and in many places they are cracked and crumbling.

There is 1d12 inches of water in a sewer pipe. Generally, water that is deeper than three or four inches of water is flowing fairly fast; water of ten inches or more forces characters to roll frequent Dexterity checks to retain their balance. The DM can determine the depth randomly or keep track of the weather-the water is deeper during and following rainstorms.

Not all of the subterranean passages beneath the city are detailed on this map. At the DM's discretion, other unused (but potentially usable) pipes and tunnels may be laid in. Unused pipes are too choked with rubble to carry water, and consequently are mostly dry, though mud often accumulates in the low places. They might still be able to be traveled through (DM's judgment), but this involves crawling on hands and knees frequently, pulling rubble out of the way, and running the small risk (perhaps 2% per 100 feet traveled) of encountering another cave-in.

The secret doors connecting to the sewer passages are generally stone portals designed to look like part of the tunnel. They can be found as any other secret doors.


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