Plant Growth

You can use plant growth in a number of ways around a stronghold. The enrichment version can help your new landscaping take hold right away. If you happen to have sharecroppers or leasing farmers on your nearby lands, you have just made yourself a whole lot of new friends.

The overgrowth version can help set up a perimeter defense around your stronghold, much like a living moat. You’ll probably need multiple castings to completely surround your fortress.

Smart builders use the overgrowth version to create two separate rings around the stronghold—the first some 50 feet out, and the second right up against the stronghold walls. This slows down invaders as they approach and then makes it hard for them to mount ladders or siege equipment designed to top the walls.

Casting: 150 gp (Clr5, Drd5, or Rgr11)


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