Platform of Jaunting

By stepping on this 10-foot-round platform—which is affixed to the floor—the user is immediately transported to any other locale within 680 feet, as per the spell dimension door. You always arrive at exactly the right spot, whether you’re able to actually visualize the area or simply give relative coordinates by stating a direction and a distance from your current position.

As with dimension door, you can risk the chance of reappearing inside of something solid. If that happens, you remain stuck in the Astral Plane until you make a Will save (DC 25), which you can try each round. A successful save allows you to move up to 100 feet into an open spot. If no open spot exists within that range, you can make a similar Will save (DC 25) once each minute to move up to 1,000 feet to an open area. If no such space exists, you remain trapped in the Astral Plane unless you can escape in some other manner.

When using the platform of jaunting, you can bring up to 350 pounds of material you touch.

Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door; Market Price: 14,000 gp.


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