Platform of Levitation

Anyone standing upon this square platform can cause it to levitate up or down at a rate of 20 feet per round. If more than one person attempts to direct the platform of levitation at once, the winner of an opposed Wisdom check gains control for that round. In the case of a tie, the platform stays remains in place for 1 round. When not in use, the platform levitates in place.

The lesser platform of levitation measures 5 feet on a side and can lift up to 250 pounds of material in addition to the platform itself, while the greater platform (10 feet by 10 feet) can lift a full 2000 pounds in addition to itself.

A lesser platform of levitation usually serves used as a magic elevator, bringing beings and light goods from one level of a stronghold to another. Greater platforms of levitation often serve as freight elevators, used to haul heavy things up and down between levels in a stronghold. They can even move large weaponry into place at the top of a tower.

Some stronghold owners use the platform of levitation to travel between floors. When the platform is in place, it serves as both ceiling and floor, sealing the room from unwanted visitors.

Caster Level: 3rd (lesser), 20th (greater Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, levitate; Market Price: 6,000 gp (lesser), 40,000 (greater).


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