The most common sort of noble house focuses on politics. Such houses certainly have other interests— businesses, military positions, and the like—but they are all side enterprises: means to an end. Their children are raised from infancy to take charge, trained in the arts of deal-making and ruling. Some seek to do well by their people, but many simply want power for the family, and they’ll do whatever it takes to obtain it. Their staples include trading in favors, spreading rumors, and blackmail, and even those political houses that try to rise above such activities must master them if they wish to survive. Political houses often cultivate ties with local religions, since the church is often the only institution with enough power to rival the government.

Associated Classes: Aristocrat, bard, cleric, fi ghter, rogue.

Associated Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Sense Motive.

Supplies Available: A political house can supply most mundane equipment, as well as magic items relating to enchantment and divination magics (never worth more than 75% of their total assistance), or other wondrous items or magic weapons (never worth more than 25% of their total assistance). It can also supply ready cash.

Sample Contact: Lord Caspar Galaint of House Ebonmar (aristocrat 8). Caspar will arrange for the PC to see a noble or city official who cannot normally be contacted through mundane channels. Once every 6 months.


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