Powers and Priesthoods in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Powers and Priesthoods

Greater and Intermediate Powers can grant spells of any level to their clerics and specialty priests. Lesser Powers can grant spells of up to sixth level, while Demipowers can grant spells only as high as fifth level to clerics and specialty priests. The sole exception is Iuz, who is able to grant spells of sixth level to his clerics and specialty priests, since they are on his home plane, the Prime Material.

In the entries for individual Powers included in this section, reference statistics for specialty priests (as opposed to clerics) are provided. Note: for brevity, the term priest is capitalized when referring to a specialty priest. This creates a distinction between the specialty priest and the generic term for the character class.

The following abbreviations are used:

AB = minimum ability score(s) required to be come a specialty priest of the Power. Std means the standard minimum attribute for a member of the priest class (a Wisdom score of 9 or higher is required). Wisdom of 9+ is always required to become a specialty Priest.

AL = acceptable alignment(s) for a specialty Priest of this Power. The alignment required for a character to become a cleric of this deity. This is always more restricted than a worshipper’s alignment.

WP = weapons which specialty priests of this Power are allowed to use. A designation such as any (mace 1st) means that a Priest may use any weapon, but a mace must be his first weapon proficiency (if weapon proficiency rules are used—they are strongly recommended) and should be the Priest's first choice unless clearly unsuitable. For example, a Priest who must take a sword as a first weapon proficiency is allowed to use a blunt weapon as a first choice against skeletons, which suffer only half normal damage from edged weapon blows. This rule applies when a weapon is favored, but not to exclusivity, by a Power as a symbol of the faith. Weapons marked with an asterisk are strongly associated with the deity and the cleric must be proficient with them at 1st level. Numerous deities insist that their clerics learn about, and become proficient in the use of edged-weapons. These deities have their own reasons for breaking the commonly enforced rule of clerics not using edged weapons.

AEx: Additional Experience Cost. The penalty, in expe- rience points, the cleric must pay when advancing in levels. This is offset by unique special abilities the deity grants to its clerics.

AR = armor restrictions for Priests of the Power. The following codes are used:

  • none = no armor allowed
  • leather = only leather armor allowed
  • nonmetal = any nonmetallic armor allowed
  • as thief = only leather or elven chain allowed
  • chain = only chain mail allowed
  • metal = only metal armor allowed
  • any = any armor may be worn

RA = typical raiments worn by Priests on appropriate occasions. Be reasonable about this. Priests aren't expected to wear unreasonable garments if preparing for war, for example. What the cleric wears when performing formal rituals to the deity and the cleric’s preferred garb at other times.

SP (or SPH) = spheres of spells to which the deity grants access. All Priests have access to the spells listed under the All sphere in the Player's Handbook. Certain spheres are taken from Tome of Magic; if a player does not have this handbook, these spheres may be ignored.

The kinds of spells the deity makes available to its clerics. This is intended for use with an optional rule in the second edition AD&D@ game, and can be ignored if the DM wishes.

A sphere followed by an asterisk (*) means Priests are allowed only minor access to spells of that sphere. A sphere noted as (rev) means that only reversed forms of spells from this sphere may be used. Elemental spells are listed as "all," "fire only," "fire and earth," etc; these subdivisions are cited in Tome of Magic. If you do not possess this book, it should not be difficult for the DM to estimate which spells fall into which subdivision from a perusal of the full Elemental spell list in the Dungeon Master's Guide.

SPL = special spell(s) allowed only to speciality priests of this Power. These are documented on Reference Cards 5 and 6. Specials. Special abilities the deity grants its clerics, usually spells or spell-like powers. Special abilities accrue to the cleric automatically each day.

PW = special powers commonly granted to Priests (and only specialty priests) by the Power. A granted power preceded by a number is grant ed only when the Priest reaches the level of ex perience indicated by the number; thus, "5) protection from Fire, double duration" means that when the Priest attains fifth level, he can cast a protection from fire spell that will have twice the normal duration. This ability is in addition to the spells he could normally memorize. Unless otherwise specified, powers which are bonus spells (as in the protection from fire example above) can be used only once per day.

Granted powers which are wizard spells are specifically noted; for example, "(W3)" means that the spell is the same as the third level wizard spell of the same name.

ADD = Additional Spells. Spells that fall outside the deity’s spheres, but are available to the cleric.

TU = the ability to turn or command undead creatures. Some entries read (e.g.), TU turn at 2 levels." This means the Priest can turn undead as if he were two levels lower than his actual experience level. Priests of Powers of life and death have the strongest turn/command abilities, but other Priests have some weaker ability in this area. These weaker abilities are accommodated through level differences. Clerics of Powers whose Priests can turn or command undead can also turn/command exactly as the Priests do; this is the only special granted power which clerics share with specialty Priests.

Specialty Spells

Certain Priests are granted unique spells that are not granted to Priests or clerics of any other Power, or to clerics of the same Power. These are cited in the text below; full details are on Reference Cards 5 and 6.

Details of Powers

The tabular summary on Reference Card 4 us es the following entries to describe the Powers:

Race: This refers to the major racial group which reveres the Power. O = Oeridian, S — Su loise, B = Baklunish, F = Flan, C = Common (widespread reverence/recognition), and U = Unknown or indeterminate origin. This aids the DM in understanding which Power is re vered in particular lands.

AoC: Areas of concern. These are aspects of na ture or life over which the Power exerts influence.

Align: This is the Power's alignment, with the standard abbreviations C (chaotic), E (evil), G (good), L (lawful), N (neutral). A parenthetical addition such as "LG (LN)" means the Power has a primary alignment with a secondary tendency; in this case, the Power is lawful good, tending toward lawful neutral. An entry such as LG/LN means that the deity is primarily lawful, with equal tendencies toward good and neutrality.

WAL: Worshiper's alignment(s the alignments which the Power deems acceptable among its worshipers.

Sex: This is the gender form in which the Power is commonly portrayed or chooses to assume.

Finally, note that not all of the Powers listed on Reference Card 4 are detailed in the text below. All Greater and Intermediate Powers are cov ered, but Lesser Powers and Demipowers are too numerous to be included with the exception of Iuz, Mayaheine, and Zagyg, who have particu lar importance in the affairs of Oerth.


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