Priest Mage - Druid

The priestly mages are those who practise the old religions. Their vocations call upon the Divine for aid, mingled with knowledge of the Arcane. They are able to practise magick hand in hand with Acts of Faith. All of these Priest- Mages may have survived into the Middle Ages, but mainly in seclusion and secrecy.


Primary Attribute: .........................Various

Secondary Attribute: ....................Spirit (SPR)

Druids are priestly mages who worship a pantheon of old Celtic gods. Through divination and sacrifice they are said to “know the will of the gods”. In their worship practices, they revere nature and live close to nature, although this does not mean they practice Plant Magick.

There were four main sub types of Druid. These are shown below along with additional Primary skills and the appropriate Primary Attribute. One type should be selected for the character.

Druid's Primary Druid's Secondary
Druid Mode Any Lore Scientific
Divination Method Any Lore Historical
Transcendental Method Any Local History & Legends
Transmutation Method Command Method
Wards Method Summoning Method
Faith Poetic Recitation
Interpret Omens Oratory
Artefact Lore Poetic Composition
Faerie Lore Storytelling
Spell Enhancement Materia Medecina
Spell Research Riddling
Read Character Meditation
Concentration Law
Theology Any background skills
Table Priest Mage Druid
Judges (Brithem)Teachers
Primary Attribute: Wisdom (WIS) Primary Attribute: Intellect (INT)
Primary Vocational: Primary Vocational:
Law (-DF $) Any Lore Historical
Any Lore Historical Any Lore Scientific
Diplomacy and Politics Theology
Detect Lie
Primary Attribute: Intellect (INT) Primary Attribute: Bardic Voice
Primary Vocational: Primary Vocational:
Materia Medecina Riddling
Vegetable Crops Oratory
Brewing Poetic Recitation
Poetic Composition

Druid Types

1-2 Candidate (Fear-iarraidh) A Candidate is one who has presented himself for study at the Druidic college. They learn some small secrets as they are assessed to see if they are fit to proceed.
3-5 Student (Sgoilear) The Student has proven worthy and will be apprenticed in rites and tasks with more experienced Druids.
6-8 Druid (Druidh) The Druid is a full priest or priestess. The specialist Druids may be assigned to courts of Kings and the Priestly sent to Sacred Places.
9+ Arch Druid (Ard- Druidh) The Highest Druid in the land. Any other Druid reaching this Magickal level but not obtaining the office of Arch Druid may take the rank of “Faidh” or Seer, if they devote themselves to prophecy and foreseeing the future. Some nations do not have a High Druid, preferring a convocation of equals.

Table - Druid Ranks

Druidic Acts of Faith

As Priests of their religion, Druids are able to call upon Divine Power. Many of the Acts of Faith might be specific to the local deity whose shrine they maintain. Suppose, for instance, that the healing stems from the goddess Sulis. If the Druid were not at her shrine, but instead was in Lyonesse, the goddess’s powers would not hold sway there. Any healing would have to be done at the behest of other deities, possibly involving sacrifices to propitiate them. This sacrifice might be a day of labour to maintain the shrine, e.g. repairing a wall, preparation and burning of a meal at the altar, etc.

All Druidical Acts of Faith are ritual in nature. The time taken to perform the ritual is: (Act of Faith PFF x 60) / Druid’s PFF in minutes with a minimum time of 1 minute.


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