Priest Mage - Ordained Clergy

Primary Attribute: .........................Spirit (SPR)

Secondary Attribute: ....................Intellect (INT)

This is someone who has elected to accept Holy Orders and become ordained as a priest into his chosen faith. Ordained Priests are the mediators between the Divine and their mortal worshippers, the mouthpiece of God. They have greater access to the Acts of Faith granted by God. The greater their faith and Spirit the greater the Acts of Faith that they may call upon.

Ordained Clergy also have the opportunity to retire from their calling and adopt a monastic life. However, this does not remove their ability to mediate with God. Indeed some Ordained Priests have no lay congregation but rather join Fighting Orders as their priests, adopting a military monastic life.

Advancement within the Church involves a certain amount of influencing the upper echelons of the Hierarchy. Once a priest reaches the level of Circatore for Friars and Monastics and Archdeacon for Clergy, advancement can only be made by election by Peers. For example a Bishop will be elected after due consideration by other Bishops, Archbishops and the Primate of the Kingdom concerned. It must also be pointed out that in many instances Bishops were appointed by the Regent of the realm (usually after receiving some advice to support the appointment).

Only the Pope may appoint Cardinals and only the Cardinals may elect a Pope, usually from amongst their own number. In the case of the puppet Pope of Avignon, he was elected by Cardinals, when a large number of influential Cardinals were French. The King of France applied a great deal of pressure to have a Pope elected, who was amenable to the Kings requests.


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