Priest Mage-Witch

The priestly mages are those who practise the old religions. Their vocations call upon the Divine for aid, mingled with knowledge of the Arcane. They are able to practise magick hand in hand with Acts of Faith. All of these Priest- Mages may have survived into the Middle Ages, but mainly in seclusion and secrecy.

Primary Attribute: .........................Intellect (INT)

Secondary Attribute: ....................Spirit (SPR)

Witches are a type of priestly magus, who deal with nature gods and minister to the common folk with their healing arts. In a sense, witchcraft is a remnant of shamanism and / or druidism.

The hedge-witches of Europe lived quietly in the countryside amongst their neighbours as healers and midwives for many centuries without enduring persecution. The first witch-hunt began in Switzerland in 1427, very late in the Middle Ages. From there witch-hunts seeped across Europe, with their Christian persecutors searching out people (mainly women) whom they regarded as heretics or unrepentant pagans. It is from the superstitious fears of those turbulent times that we have inherited many of the false popular beliefs about what witchcraft is all about. Despite popular fiction and such relatively recent beliefs, witchcraft is not intrinsically evil, nor does it involve black magick, worshipping Satan and consorting with demons. (Modern Wiccan witches, for instance, are no less horrified by Satanic practices than are devout Christians, Muslims and Jews.)


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