
It must be kept in mind that Aerdy is vast. It thus supported a multiplicity of faiths. The general drift toward evil has been slow and cumulative, and while evil priesthoods are in the ascendant, it has not always been so. Neither is it the case that, even today, good or neutral aligned priesthoods do not have any influence.

Among the peasants, most pay some minor respects to Beory, Oerth Mother. This is natural for an agricultural people. A small invocation will be offered when crops are planted, and some small portion set aside ("Beory's plate") at Richfest. However, there are few priests of Beory. This has never been a "political" or martial priest hood, and the faith survives almost as folklore rather than in formal worship and priestly practice. Ordinary folk also propitiate evil deities, notably Nerull and Incabulos, in minor rites designed to ward off disease and to beg free passage for departing souls of the dead.

Historically, the one great tension between Aerdi priesthoods is between Heironeous and Hextor. During the great expansionist drive, this rivalry was regarded as healthy. Both sides struggled to be pre-eminent in the drive for glory and dominion. Wise rulers kept the priests well apart from each other. These Lawful priesthoods maintained zeal, discipline, and trained soldiers well.

However, after the Turmoil between Crowns, priests of Heironeous have become few and far between. Most emigrated westward, others found themselves marginal ized to fringe areas, often dependent on the support of a minor local ruler—perhaps for personal or historical reasons. The marginalization of this priesthood was a catalyst in accelerating Aerdy's drift to evil.

Pre-war, only three priesthoods were of importance within Aerdy; those of Pholtus, Zilchus, and Hextor. Pholtus priests continued to have influence among royal houses because of their role as scholars, keepers of archives, wise men, and advisers. The junior priests formed the bulk of local magistrates.

However, tensions grew and after the denunciation of Ivid V by the patriarch of Pholtus in Rauxes, Ivid ordered a purge of Pholtus's priesthood. Most local rulers went along with this for the simple reason that this allowed them to seize church lands and property and enrich themselves.

The more lenient allowed the priests to escape with their lives. Most of these priests fled to the Theocracy or Urnst, and a few to the Iron League nations. Very few rulers dared to oppose Ivid in this matter; the overking had played the sedition-and-treason card, and this was powerful in its effect. The priesthood of Pholtus is decimated now, with only a handful of its senior priests left.

Priests of Zilchus are left as the only non-evil priest hood of real note. They always have played a vital role in the economy of Aerdy, forming the bulk of the tax gather ers, chancellors, and advisers to the overking on trade and monies. In return, the priesthood has grown wealthy, with many opulent buildings and no few small landhold ings of its own. Then again, the richer elements of the merchant classes, especially merchant princes, have always allied with this priesthood. To have purged it would have meant decimating the finances of the imperial court.

Even Ivid was not mad enough to do this; he needed money for his great war against Nyrond. Thus, until very recently, this priesthood has stayed safe.

However, it is an ill-disguised secret that Zilchus priests tend to back the House of Darmen in their aim of forming the next ruling royal house. The House of Darmen, with its many merchant princes, has always courted this priesthood and very recently Patriarch Lassaren was tipped off by Prince Xavener of Darmen that an attempt might be made on his life by agents of Ivid.

The overking, Xavener said, was suspicious of the patri arch and might move to act against him.

Xavener offered Lassaren safe refuge in Kalstrand, which the patriarch readily accepted. A carefully disguised double left in Rauxes was indeed assassinated a week or so later. Some say Xavener himself had the double killed and laid the blame on the overking, but then those who say that tend to be men in the service of Xavener's rivals. Still, Lassaren finds himself almost a prisoner in Kalstrand. Treated with deference and living in utter luxury, Xavener presses on Lassaren the absolute need for security. The priest is not free to leave.

Thus, while the priesthood of Zilchus does not support Ivid, being infuriated by the promotion of "Baalzy"—a direct affront to their role—they are uncertain of how openly to act against him. Too, they are uncertain whether Xavener is the right man to replace him.

The fiery Matriarch Schleretha of Zelradton, in particu lar, opposes Xavener's suit very strongly. Many priests of Zilchus are concerned that Lassaren may become only a pawn of Xavener and now quietly regard Schleretha as the real, supreme authority.


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