Prison Cell

Size: 0.5 ss

Cost: 500 gp

Prerequisites: One guard per shift

This cell includes iron shackles on the walls and hay mattresses strewn about. You can shackle up to six Medium-size prisoners in a communal cell.

Alternatively, you can replace the communal cell with independent jail cells. In this arrangement, each prison cell component includes two to four small cells each capable of holding one or two Medium-size creatures.

If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times. You can get by with a single guard per two adjoining prison cell components.

The standard prison cell comes with six sets of manacles capable of binding a Medium-size creature. For an additional 210 gp, you can replace these with masterwork manacles. To slip free of manacles, a character must make an Escape Artist check (DC 30 or DC 35 for masterwork manacles). To break free requires a Strength check (DC 26 or DC 28 for masterwork manacles). Manacles have a hardness of 10 and 10 hit points.

A Small creature takes up half the space in a prison cell as a Medium-size creature. Manacles for Small creatures cost the same as for Medium-size creatures. Tiny and smaller creatures take up one-fourth the space, and their manacles cost 10 times normal.

A Large creature takes up twice the space of a Medium-size creature, and a Huge creature four times the space. Manacles for Large creatures cost ten times the normal amount, and 100 times the normal amount for Huge creatures. Generally, you can’t keep Gargantuan or larger creatures in a simple prison cell, though by buying enough components you could get a large enough space. They require specially made manacles, which cost as much as 1,000 times the normal cost.

See Doors below for including reinforced doors. Depending on the interior structure of your stronghold, you may want to encase prison cells in walls tougher than your typical stronghold interior.


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