Prison of Thorns

A permanent wall of thorns lines every inch of this stronghold space’s outer walls, ceiling, and floor. Any creature passing through the thorns automatically takes 25 points of damage, minus 1 point for each point of the creature’s AC, each round. Dexterity bonuses to AC and dodge bonuses do not count for this calculation. Ten minutes of chopping with slashing weapons can create a 1-foot-deep safe passage into a prison of thorns. Of course, even after passing through the thorns the intruder still has the stronghold’s normal walls to deal with.

Normal fire cannot harm the prison of thorns, but magical fire ignites it and burns away any affected section in 10 minutes. A damaged (but not destroyed) prison of thorns regrows completely within 1d4 hours.

Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, wall of thorns; Market Price: 22,500 gp.


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