Pyremiel Alexane, Ambassador of Iuz

The ghastly Pyremiel is an utterly unmistakeable figure; it may well be that he was chosen as an ambassador as a result of his repulsive appearance. Pyremiel stands 6’ 2” tall, weighs 157 Ibs., and has black straggly hair and very dark brown eyes. His skin has the texture of decaying parchment and is drawn tight across his heavily-lined, skeletal face. His fingers are abnormally long, with knobbled joints, and his fingernails are as hard as shells, long, and filed to razor sharpness.

Pyremiel wears the black robes of Iuz at all times, and radiates a peculiarly repellent body odor that makes him an unwanted guest at any meal. His personal habits are disgusting; the man belches foully, coughs blackened sputum into a small bronze bowl he carries for this specific purpose, and picks his blackened and grimy fingernails to pass the time.

If he presents any speech to the Directors at formal meetings, they are always inscribed on parchments made of skin. Pyremiel delights in the shudders of horror and disgust he provokes in others. He is a 9th-level CE priest of Iuz (Int 15, Wis 18, Cha3).

Pyremiel lives in the ambassadorial complex, pleased that his presence upsets others there. His household includes hobgoblin servants. At least two acolytes have been seen running errands for food and supplies, and rumor has it that at least one fiend and several mindless undead creatures lurk in the basements of the place.

Pyremiel forces his attendance in as many official meetings as possible. He has an awful knack for turning up at meetings to which he was not invited, but cannot reasonably be physically re- moved (he ignores protocol in such matters).

His presence is a mocking, sardonic one even when he is berating the Directors for making imports of goods from Iuz hard to sell in the Free City (in fact, the Directors have nothing to do with this; it is common Greyhawkers who tend to boycott such materials if their origin is known, and who have burned down one warehouse where furs from Iuz were stored for sale).

Politically, in addition to being a generally disruptive and awkward presence, Pyremiel seeks to keep an eye on Furyondy and the Urnst states, seeking to learn about their financial situations, vulnerabilities, plans, and schemes.

He owns a magical ring that permits him to alter self once per day, although his body odor is not changeable and is something of a giveaway (he seeks to hide it with powerful, musky scents if he is trying to conceal his identity). Certainly, Pyremiel visits the River Quarter (avoiding guards outside the ambassadorial complex using spells such as wraithform and items such as potions of flying or invisibility) and meets with Rhennee there. He is also actively developing a network of spies who seek to disrupt trade, frighten merchants and diplomats through kidnapings and killings, and worse.

The DM is encouraged to develop a network of agents acting on Pyremiel’s orders, but it should be desperately hard for anyone to pin the blame on the priest himself when these schemes are uncovered.


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