R10: Tomas Ratek's Warehouse

This large building is located away from the noise and bustle of the Strip, at the end of a shadowy cul-de-sac. It is the perfect setting for Ratek's Thieves' Guild activities. The thieves gather at the warehouse each day and night before embarking on their missions in the quarter.

The building is locked twice at each door, and the few windows are heavily boarded. A secret trap door in the center of the floor conceals the treasures, which are generally (1d20-1) x 100 gp in value, depending on how recently the haul has been shipped off to the Thieves' Quarter. The treasure is shipped out about once every six days.

The warehouse is always watched by a master thief and two apprentices. These sentries occupy a comfortable and hidden apartment in the loft, from which they can keep on eye on anyone entering the building below. The warehouse itself is mostly empty.

R10: West City Warehouse. This warehouse was once owned by Tomas Ratek, a merchant who abruptly disappeared during the Greyhawk Wars. It has since passed into other hands and has been renamed the West City Warehouse. The place appears to be well guarded, though not by Nightwatchmen or other known security specialists.

DM's Notes: The West City Warehouse is at the center of a complex knot of plots. Tomas Ratek was the master thief in charge of Thieves’ Guild operations in the River. Quarter. He and a thief-priest named Sharyn Messandier (in charge of the Thieves’ Quarter’s operations) were discovered in a plot to overthrow Org Nenshen and assume control of the entire guild. Both were quietly executed in late 583 cy and replaced by other thieves loyal to Nenshen. Ratek’s warehouse went on the auction block and was purchased by a secretive merchant who hired many thieves as freight handlers, apparently ignorant of their true nature. The Thieves’ Guild now uses this warehouse as a meeting place and a storage facility for its River Quarter operations once more. Aros Mander, the merchant who purchased the place, doesn’t come around often. The master thief of the River Quarter, who works and lives here as a warehouse foreman, is Merreck Purzell [N 4ef T8; hp 31; Dex 15; boots of elvenkind, cloak of elvenkind]. Merreck and several other thieves inhabit a loft apartment over the main floor of the warehouse.

The absentee merchant is not what he seems. His real name is Andrade Mirtius [NE hm C18 — Nerull; hp 74; Str 16, Con 15, Wis 18, Cha 15; bracers of defense AC 3, cloak of protection +3, hat of disguise, sickle +4/+6 vs. neutral good, amulet of proof against detection and location, many defensive items]. He is one of only two Hierarchs who escaped the Horned Society in 582 Cy when Iuz invaded and conquered Molag, Details on Andrade and his allies are found in the “DMs Notes” for area G11. His identity is fully concealed by magic, and he created the means to magically enter a long-hidden cellar of the warehouse, where he actually lives. Andrade knows the Thieves’ Guild is using the warehouse for their escapades in the city; this is fine with him, as it makes the place look “safe” to the guild. He is attempting to gradually weaken the city’s law enforcement and major guilds to make the place grossly corrupt, allowing him to mote easily seize power, in time, with his fellow Hierarchs. (An additional Hierarch was elevated to leadership rank in the last few years, making three of them now.) Eventually, Andrade plans to lead a crusade against Iuz and destroy the demigod’s empire.

Andrade’s activities have directly led to a rise in the appearance of evil cults in the city and additional problems with lawlessness that puzzle even the Thieves’ Guild. The exact nature of Andrade’s plotting is left to the DM’s imagination; no one knows who “Aros Mander” really is except his fellow Hierarchs.


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