R12: Temple of Rao

This humble sanctuary is the home of the Patriarch of Rao, Jerome Kazinskaia (C19), and the center of Greyhawk's devotions to that god of peace and serenity. The Patriarch is described in Ch3 FFF.

The temple is the scene of the unusual worship services held in honor of Rao. Instead of the typical religious harangue, these observances involve long, reasoned discussions among church elders on the virtues of a controversial topic, followed by hours of silence during which the entire congregation meditates upon the issue. Few individuals remain for the entire ceremony- it runs eight to ten hours-but the chapel is filled all day on Godsday as the faithful arrive, linger for an hour or two, and depart.

This gentle and practical religion re mains one of the most popular in the city.

In addition to the patriarch, the sect claims several other powerful clerics among its clergy in Greyhawk.

Though the chapel contains some gold and platinum sacramental objects, worth several thousand gp, any intruder would have to face Jerome and his assistants.

Jerome Kazinskaia: see Ch3 FFF.

High Priestess of Rao: AC 5; MV 9; Pr11 ; hp57; THACO 14; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 + 3 (footman's mace + 2 Spells: 5 1st, 4 2nd, 4 3rd, 3 4th, 2 5th, and 1 6th

Two Revered Elders: AC 7; MV 12; Pr6; hp20; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6; Spells: 31st, 3 2nd, and 1 3rd

Ten Studious Aspirants: AC 8; MV 12; Pr1; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6; Spell: 1 1st

R12: Temple of Rao. The wood-and-stone temple to the god of peace and serenity is humble in appearance but well crafted. The immediate neighborhood is known as an island of quiet in a sea of chaos, and the crime rate in this oasis is notably low. Services here have the character of long, educated debates over religious and social issues, with questions and comments taken from the congregation. The recovery and use of the Crook of Rao in Veluna has greatly boosted this church’s standing in Greyhawk, though it lacks the martial character many adventurers like. The church has close ties with the followers and clergy of Pelor.

The temple is home to about a dozen priests led by Jerome Kazinskaia [LG hm C20 — Rao; hp 63; Dex 16, Wis 18, Cha 18; cloak of displacement, ring of protection +4, crooked staff of Rao (+2 vs. neutrals, +5 vs. evil)|. Jerome appears to be about 50, but he is far older than he looks, One of the highest-ranking priests of Rao alive, he has excellent contacts with the leadership and ambassadors from Veluna and knows Bigby of the Circle of Eight. He has long been a member of the Directing Oligarchy of Greyhawk, but he does not participate much in its doings, only listening and offering informed opinions. His advice is closely followed, however, as he is known to have many connections across the Flanaess and know much intelligence.

DM's Notes: One would not expect such a passive religion to be involved in intrigue, but in fact, this one is. Because the Crook of Rao in Veluna was used to cast out nearly all of Iuz’s demonic servants just prior to the Great Northern Crusade, Iuz has given special orders for this faith to be targeted and destroyed by his agents. Five minor clerics in the last year have been murdered by magic in their beds, and Jerome Kazinskaia is desperate to learn who is doing this. The killer is cloaked by magic and impossible to locate. The murder of a minor cletic of St. Cuthbert last year might also be tied to these killings. The City Watch is investigating but has no leads; the Nightwatchmen are similarly stymied.


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