R13: The Silver Garter

This grand house is one of the most infamous social establishments in the Free City. While its exact nature is too delicate to be discussed in a scholarly study such as this, it must be stated that the name of the establishment pretty much sets the tone.

The prices for drinks are exorbitant. No food is served here, and the prices for other services are the highest in the city.

But for all this the Garter is a friendly, convivial establishment. The invitations to handsome passers-by from the hard working ladies perched on the house's second floor balcony are nothing if not sincere. And the welcome given one who steps through the door is even warmer.

The proprietress is a battered old ogress known only as Rhina. She has a handful of musclemen discreetly available to help in times of disturbance.

Rhina the Ogress: AC 4; MV 12; F11 ; hp83; THAC0 10; #AT 1; Dmg 1d10+9 (two-handed sword +3 and Str 18/00)

Eight Garter Bouncers: AC 5; MV 9; F5; hp 34; THAC0 16; Dmg 1d8

R13: Silver Garter. This grand old house is the most infamous and patronized brothel in Greyhawk, a two-story building told of in tales across the Flanaess. It is also a social club of sorts for the River Quarter’s denizens. In recent years, it has opened a reasonably good’bar with expensive drinks, The place is run by Rhina the Ogress [N hf F11; hp 83; Str 18/00, Cha 15; two-handed sword +3], an old woman of astounding physical strength and size (6 feet 6 inches tall). Rhina was a famed adventurer from Rel Mord who fought the Overking’s armies in the old days. She hates everything to do with the old Great Kingdom or its successor states. Foul-mouthed and aggressive, Rhina is the elected delegate from the River Quarter to the Public Council of Greyhawk and she is wildly popular in this area. Her platform is simple: Leave the River Quarter alone to do its own business.

DM’s Notes: Rhina is having problems with some of the local churches (Trithereon, St. Cuthbert, Pholtus) because her (limited) patience has worn thin with their attempts to shut down her establishment. After beating the tar out of two Sacred Sons of Trithereon with a club last month, she is on the church’s blacklist of people regarded as “evil tyrants.” Rhina would like to hire some special muscle to guard The Silver Garter from attempts to invade it or burn it down. Spellcasters would be especially useful. She doesn’t know that some guild thieves are planning to break into her business the next time Trithereon’s clerics come around.


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