R1: City Watch Station

This headquarters of the City Watch in the River Quarter is typical of those described in Ch2 FFF.

R1: River Quarter City Watch Station. For some reason, many citizens of the River Quarter seem angty with this City Watch Station, saying it does nothing to prevent crime. Some local merchants, however, ate fairly pleased with it. The Watch officers here always seem to have money to spare and are content. They report there is little actual crime in this quarter.

DM's Notes: The City Watch Station here has long had problems with corruption. Merchants constantly attempt to smuggle goods through this quarter or evade import taxes for legitimate cargo, and the Thieves’ Guild has a hand in nearly every aspect of criminal life here. Bribery is thus the most common problem within the Watch but not the worst. City Watch members have even been investigated for allowing murders to go unsolved and even participating in them. Constable Fanshen worries more about this station than any other.


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