R14: Temple of Trithereon

This stout building, with its low tower, is the heart of a small but vibrant sect: the followers of Trithereon the Summoner. The tower holds the massive golden bell, (12,000-gp value) that is rung to signify the call to worship. The summons come hourly on Godsday, from dawn until midnight, and otherwise once per day at sunset.

This gonging, which goes on for a minute or more, has insured that most of the rooms and houses near the temple are taken by followers of Trithereon. Other citizens, even those living a block or two away, resent the intrusive noise.

The High Priestess Jandizuur presides over the temple. She is detailed in Ch3 FFF.

The temple is the home of the combat ready priests of Trithereon, ready to do battle for the causes sacred to their lord: freedoms for every individual, self protection, and retribution. Often the priests whip several dozen worshipers into a frenzy; isolated acts of violence against those deemed repressive and tyrannical have been reported following these services. Recently the priests have held back, since they do not want to face official reprisals from the city.

Jandizuur: see Ch3 FFF

High Mother, Tender of Trithereon: AC 0 (plate mail + 3 MV 6; Pr11; hp 56; THAC0 14; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8 +3 (foot man's mace + 2 Spells: 5 1st, 4 2nd, 4 3rd, 3 4th, 2 5th, and 1 6th

Sacred Daughters of Trithereon (3): AC 7; MV 12; Pr6; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 + 1; Spells: 3 1st, 3 2nd, 2 3rd

Hopeful Initiates of Trithereon: AC 7; MV 12: Pr1 : hp 4; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6+1; Spell:1 1st

The followers of Trithereon are taught to revile the sects of Pholtus and other strict lawful orders. as well as slavetraders, soldiers (especially sergeants and officers), and other authority figures.

The most valuable item in the temple is the great bell, protected against attack from outside the tower by a wall of force. Anyone fighting his way past the priests to enter the inside of the tower will have to contend with the divine retribution of Trithereon himself, in the form of his messenger, Nemoud the Hound.

The hound appears the first round someone enters the top of the bell tower, showing up as a ghostly outline that is very doglike, but nearly the size of a horse. It attacks on the second and subsequent rounds.

Nemoud the Hound flies, can become ethereal at will, + 2 or better needed to hit, chomps for 2d12 points of damage, and has a paralyzing gas breath (10' x 10' x 10' cloud, -4 penalty to victims' saving throws). Nemoud leaves paralyzed victims for the priests to finish off.

R14: Temple of Tritheteon. This stout building with its low tower is the heart of a small but very troublesome sect of Trithereon the Summoner. This good but anti-authority religion teaches that slavets, military and law-enforcement officers, government in general, and all lawful religions (especially those of St. Cuthbert and Pholtus) are to be resisted and disrupted at all times. Though its following in River Quarter is not large, the congregation 1s devoted and causes trouble beyond the proportion of its numbers. This religion is in constant trouble with the Directing Oligarchy and Lord Mayor, not to mention the Constable, and it is teetering on the brink of being officially banned for a period if its activities are not restrained.

The temple’s one prize is its huge golden bell, worth 12,000 gp and protected by magical walls of force. The bell is rung hourly on Godsday and at sunset otherwise. The leader of the temple is Janziduur Euroz-slayer [CG hf F7/C13 — Trithereon; hp 84; Str 17, Wis 17; plate mail +3, spear +3/+5 vs. humanoids, ring of free action, staff of striking], who earned her nickname during the Greyhawk Wars while fighting in the Principality of Ulek. Not terribly bright, Janziduur nonetheless acts wisely and is a famous local hero. Her followers are less wise and often quite dangerous.

DM's Notes: Fights with the faithful of Trithereon are almost guaranteed if characters look suspicious and meet up with a squad of Sacred Sons and Daughters (Ath—6th level clerics) in the process of training Hopeful Initiates (1st-3rd level clerics) in street justice. Battles with the clergy of Pholtus have been especially violent, leading to serious injuries in the past. Lately, the church has begun to consider taking on the Guild of Thieves, which would be a gross strategic error — not that the church could be turned away be the threat of total defeat.

Janziduur would like to start a small crusade against all evil spellcasters in Greyhawk, capturing them or slaying them on the spot. She’s been toying with how to bring such a crusade about, and it might occur within a few months.

For years, Janziduur had one of the Directing Oligarchy under her thumb with the threat of blackmail. Laup Cobrun (see T4) was a mercenary who struck it big importing Baklunish clothing and rugs into Greyhawk. Though brilliant in business and accounting, he showed bad judgment in his personal life. He had a long-running affair with the wife of an important priest of Pholtus, which Janziduur discovered and used against him. If Laup didn’t tell her everything that happened in the Oligarchy meetings, Janziduur threatened to reveal ail (with glee) to the Pholtus temple, which would have led to Laup’s swift and messy demise. Laup’s duplicity was finally uncovered, and he was removed from the Oligarchy, leaving Janziduur in the dark on government plans.


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