R15: House of the Mage Otiluke

Ttus important personage, City Oligarch and member in secret of the Council of Eight, is detailed in Ch3 FFF.

His house is a simple dwelling that he shares with a young apprentice/ concubine named Glorial, and several servants.

Glorial: AC 8 (ring of protection +2 MV 12; M5; hp 17; THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4; Spells: 4 1st, 2 2nd, and 1 3rd

Otiluke has numerous art objects and valuable trinkets about, mostly reflective in nature as he greatly admires his own looks. His collection might be worth as much as 25,000 gp.

Aside from the lock on his door, Otiluke maintains no sort of security system for his belongings. Instead, he has studied each one to the most minute detail.

In the event anything is removed, he notices immediately. Using a locate object spell, he simply goes to the object, finds the thief, uses a polymorph spell on the thief-or meteor swann or other bombardment if the thief is part of a gang-and returns the stolen object to his collection.

R15: Fallen Mage Townhouse. This two-story townhouse was formerly owned by Otiluke, a wizard slain in 584 Cy by Rary the Traitor. Otiluke was President of the Society of Magi, a member of the Directing Oligarchy, and secretly a member of the Circle of Eight. The townhouse has been sold or rented several times since his death, but no one stays long. The place is locally known as the Fallen Mage Townhouse, though it has no other name. It is coming up for sale again soon. Apparently, Otiluke had many enemies and they keep visiting the place to look for him, driving the inhabitants off.

DM's Notes: This would make a good base of operations in the city for a group or character rich enough to buy it outright. The townhouse has no cellar but the plumbing is in excellent shape (and magical, thanks to Otiluke), The nature of the persons who were enemies of Otiluke is left to the DM; many were quite powerful and truly hated the wizard for a large number of reasons. It is also suspected that Otiluke left some secret items behind when he died, though his home was looted by Lord Robilar’s men.

Articles under R15: House of the Mage Otiluke


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