R16: Whistling Fish

R16: Whistling Fish. This two-story inn looks unusually tall, with oversized windows and doors. It is owned by a very short hill giant of good nature, Gruenab [CG hill giant-m HD 11+1; hp 67; Str 19, Con 16; large shield +3, two potions of speed]. The aged Gruenab (now 87) is a part-time adventurer who is probably the oddest-looking citizen of the city, standing 9 feet tall. He is accepted by his neighbors, who call on him to help with heavy lifting jobs. This is one of the better inns in the River Quarter. Gruenab is in charge of about a dozen humans on the inn’s staff. The food is good and prices are reasonable.

From Adventure Begins

DM's Notes: The Whistling Fish was detailed in the adventure WGA1 Falcon’s Revenge, pages 4-8. Gruenab is becoming slightly infirm (for a hill giant), though he is still in good health. He would like to find potions of longevity to make him youthful again. He will bargain almost anything to anyone who can get him a potion. If PCs cannot help, he might get into trouble with an evil wizard, alchemist, or thief.


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