R2: The Green Dragon Inn

This is a favorite haunt of adventurers and of those seeking adventurers for various tasks. It offers relatively mundane fare, but in copious quantities. Its location on Blue Boar Street, just off of the Strip, insures that it stays a little quieter than most of the establishments in the quarter.

The Green Dragon Inn Is fully detailed in Ch6 FFF.

R2: Green Dragon Inn. This establishment is the haunt of adventurers, thieves, Rhennee, rivermen, smugglers, and other lowlifes who love the low prices and copious amounts of food. They also appreciate the light hand that the inn’s proprietor takes in running the place; _ he encourages the rowdy, free-for-all atmosphere. Ricard Damaris [N hm F8; hp 54; Str 18/40, Dex 16, Con 15; chain mail +2, broad sword +2 (see below), ring of free action, amulet of proof against charms and illusions] is also well known as a source of information, and he seems to know more rumors and tales than most people hear in a lifetime. Some of the rumors he knows are very dangerous ones involving secret cults, ctiminal activities, and so forth. Ricard’s wife, Florence, is a mediocre cook but expert accountant for the inn; she is almost never seen. His 15-yeat-old daughter, Clarissa, is spoiled rotten. A dozen rooms are for rent at cheap rates, but their quality is poor.

Weapons and armor are usually worn in the inn, and the bouncers are all trained former soldiers, Fighting and drunkenness are not only common but encouraged, to some extent. Adventurers who strike it big often come here to celebrate, buying drinks for the house. As wild places go, this is one of the wildest in the city.

DM's Notes: Ricard has a magical sword that aids him in keeping the peace; it casts darkness 3 X /day, weakness 2 X / day, and can paralyze a lawful being by touch 1 X /day for 2d4 rounds. The weapon (named Blade of Chaos), is CN and has Int 12 and Ego 12. Ricard’s amulet gives him a +4 bonus to saving throws against all charm spells and spelllike effects, as well as all illusion magic. Both the sword and amulet were stolen long ago from a temple to Norebo in Dyvers. Any follower of Norebo (especially thieves and clerics) will have heard of the missing Blade of Chaos if-the character rolls Intelligence or less on 1d20; a reward is offered for the return of the weapon; death is offered to the one who took it (Ricard).

Ricard’s daughter, Clarissa [CN hf T1; hp 3; Dex 15, Wis 5], is stealing money from the inn’s till and from drunken patrons. She has a plan to steal her parents’ earnings and head for a more exciting place like Narwell or Safeton. Moderately attractive and seductive, Clarissa is treacherous and faithless, attaching herself to anyone with wealth.


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