R3: Low Seas Tavern

This place has a well-hghted porch and lively sounds of laughter coming from within. It is a favorite of the River Quarter though its standards are a trifle higher than most of the inns in the district. Weapons longer than daggers, for example, must be checked at the door.

Good food in small portions Is available here as is expensive but very high quality drink. In addition to the wide assortment of adventurers usually encountered here, the inn is a favorite haunt of the wealthier Rhennee barge folk.

The Low Seas Tavern is the domain of One-Eye Halloran, a man that, to hear him tell it, was at one time wizard, high priest, lordly knight. and master thief during his travels across the Flanaess.

One-Eye is also known as One-Leg. He proudly explains the history of each injurv to anyone with the lack of Judgment to ask, as well as the ongins of each of the several dozen scars across his body. The stories always change, so the DM need only spin a yam if a PC asks.

Halloran has indeed lost an eye (he wears a patch) and a leg, which he has replaced with a sturdy peg. He is adept at wielding the leg as a cudgel (1d6 points of damage), and during melee combat he gets an attack with the leg before any other attacks each round. The leg attack does not count toward Halloran's number of attacks per round.

There Is a bit of truth to Halloran's tales, insofar as his multiple abilities go. In addition to his widely observed fighting prowess, One-Eye is a 5th-level mage.

One-Eye (One-Leg) Halloran: AC 8; MV 9: F14 /M5; THAC0 7: #AT 2+leg cudgel: Dmg 1d6 +4 (longsword+3 and Str 17 Spells: 4 1st, 22nd, and 1 3rd

Halloran retains order pretty much by himself, but if real trouble threatens he asks for help from the regular customers. That lot is an adventurous breed from the ground up, so the innkeeper always gets 1d10 + 10 allies, half of them fighters and the others of random classes (and of sufficient level, usually, to overcome the threat).

R3: Low Seas Tavern. One of the marginally better eating spots in the River Quarter is the Low Seas Tavern, where few weapons other than daggers are permitted. The food is great, the drinks are excellent (if expensive), and many adventurers come here to spend their wealth and tell their tales, The tavern owner is a colorful man named

One-Eye Halloran [N hm WS/F14; hp 55; Str 17, Int 15, Cha 15; long sword +2] who tells the most outrageous stories about his past, claiming to have been a thief, knight, wizard, and priest in various places across the Flanaess and even beyond. His stories change with each telling, however. He lost a leg (now wooden) as well as an eye (covered by a patch) in his past, and he bears many scars from his adventures, He can attack with his wooden leg as a cudgel in a fight, adding that attack to his usual combat routine in a single round.

The Low Seas is frequented by Rhennee nobles, discriminating criminals, and other “elite” figures of this quarter. One-Eye (also called One-Leg) Halloran is very popular, and everyone will join in to protect him in a fight, though he can handle himself quite well.

DM's Notes: In the cellar of the tavern is a secret tunnel straight down into one of the city’s long-buried water pipes, leading from a huge cisterm under Grey College (C1) to the Selintan. This water-filled pipe is 5 feet wide and has about 1—2 feet of air space at the top, allowing someone to use it as an escape route in an emergency. One-Eye tells only — his closest friends about this.pipe. Anyone finding it can use it to get about in the city’s complex maze of sewers, storm drains, and so forth.


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