R5: Guildstation of the Nightwatchmen

See Ch2 FFF for information on the guild and its stations.

R5: Nightwatchmen’s Guildstation. This guildstation receives massive support from the Sacred Temple of St. Cuthbert (G4) to keep order at night in this riotous quarter. Given the corruption of the Watch here, the Nightwatchmen and City Watch personnel do not get along well and rarely cooperate. When a criminal gang called the Shapechangers was broken some years ago, the Nightwatchmen helped secure the » warehouse next door (R6), which had been used as a base for the magic-using murderers. The Nightwatchmen ignore all shady dealings that do not directly involve their missions of guardianship, though they will break up assaults and escort persons to places of safety, acting within reason and not endangering the places and people they are hired to protect.

DM's Notes: The Nightwatchmen have received information indicating that one or more banned cults are operating at some strength within the River Quarter. Which cults and where they are located are unknown as yet. Anyone who can provide more intelligence on these cults will be rewarded and gain many allies (and extremely dangerous enemies), Though cynical people feel the Nightwatchmen could be infiltrated by criminal gangs here, this has not happened; the Nightwatchmen are very trustworthy.


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