R6: Tarnek McGloogan's Warehouse

This circular building. strategically located near the Cargo Gate, is a busy storage facility that has made its owner a great deal of money.

Not content with that, Tarnek has built a secret room in the basement, entered by raismg a trap door that looks like another block in the stone floor. This is where the secret activities of this establishment, detailed in Ch5 FFF, are centered. Tarnek himself and his associates are described there as well.

R6: McGloogan’s Watehouse. Formerly “owned by a man named Tarnek McGloogan, this warehouse was seized by the City of Greyhawk after it was raided by the Nightwatchmen and City Watch and found to be the headquarters of a criminal magic-using gang called the Shapechangers. Most of the gang is now in prison or slain; a few members fled the city. The warehouse is still called McGloogan’s because it was purchased by several of his less-criminal cousins, all merchants who pooled their resources to outbid rival merchants for the facility when it was auctioned off by the city. A lot of valuable material is stored here but it is relatively safe, as the Nightwatchmen are next door and have a long-term contract to protect the place.

DM's Notes: The secret room below the basement of the warehouse has been expanded and is now used as additional storage space for exceptionally valuable goods. The entrance to the sub-cellar is concealed; a pulley and rope system can be quickly installed over it to lower heavy goods below. The Thieves’ Guild has heard something about this sub-cellar and would like to investigate its contents; digging a tunnel into the sub-cellar from a storm sewer nearby is being considered. The sub-cellar contains some minor magical goods (especially potions), spell components, gems and jewels, bars of rare ore, and items stolen from other lands though not specifically banned for import into Greyhawk.


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