R7: The River Rat

The River Rat is the central gathering place of the Rhennee in the Free City, when they leave their barges, that is. Located in the busiest part of the Strip, the River Rat never closes and never seems to want for rowdy customers.

This inn can best be described as a dive. Food and drink are cheap in every sense of the word. Rude drunks are common, and no one seems to bathe before coming here. Those dressed in a grand fashion, or those who look even moderately weak and helpless, or attractive women of any type are ruthlessly badgered by the customers.

The proprietor, a Rhennee, who has lived m Greyhawk for decades, Is named Zalkan Sooth. He never intervenes to break up fights, preferring to bill those involved for damages in the harsh light of the morning after.

Ch5 FFF contains extensive information on the Rhennee in Greyhawk.

R7: River Rat Inn. Few Rhennee elect to leave the rafting life, but one who did has done well with his own business in Greyhawk, one of the few places in the Flanaess where Rhennee find any degree of acceptance. The River Rat inn is owned by Zalkan Sooth [NG hm F4/T3; hp 20; Str 16, Wis 17; scimitar +2, many potions], who is quite old; he settled here in 545 cy, after a fight in which he killed a Rhennee noble and was exiled. He is well regarded by his fellows nonetheless (the noble was hated by everyone), and his inn is very popular with Rhennee.

The place is rowdy, with many rude, loudmouthed drunks who pick on anyone who is not a Rhennee, particularly women. Many fights break out here, but the owner chooses only to bill the survivors the following day. This place is regularly visited by the City Watch, which dislikes the Rhennee, but the Watch does not stay long because of the danger of a fatal fight. Followers of Pholtus from their temple (R8) are another matter, as these individuals regularly try to convert the Rhennee, who will have nothing to do with this group.

DM's Notes: Anyone seeking information on the Rhennee would do well to start here. Stories about their origins and original homeland (not on Oerth) are sometimes told. The Rhennee have no wish to leave Oerth, though they do look for ways to make themselves more secure here.

In the cellar of the River Rat are secret rooms where Rhennee can hide themselves or stolen items for a time if being pursued. Also present is a large meeting room used to peaceably settle disagreements between Rhennee nobles; Zalkan Sooth often mediates the disputes, and his judgments are taken seriously. Zalkan has done much to ensure that the Rhennee stay a tightly bonded group against their many enemies. He stores a large number of é magical potions in various places in the cellar, which he uses or gives away as necessary to & further the Rhennee’s causes and survival.


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