R8: Temple of Pholtus

This gleaming white edifice stands as a tribute to the god Pholtus, he of utmost Law and Order, regulator of the Sun and Moon and inflexible as the tides. Pholtus-He of the Blindmg Light-has commanded his followers to spread the word, and so they do in the River Quarter with a vengeance.

The interior of the temple is primarily taken up by the tiny cells allocated as living spaces to the members of the sect. The faithful are expected lo circulate around the district, as well as other nearby quarters of the city also prone to wallow sinfully in chaos, for at least 12 hours a day. During this time they preach the glory of Pholtus and plead for a very occasional donation from pedestrians in the city.

There is little of value in the temple, which contains a kitchen and dining hall in the cellar. Only the vestments of the some of the priests, with their gold and silver embroidery, would be considered treasures. Each gold robe contains 150 gp of gold, while the silver robes contain 150 sp in silver.

Two Shining Priests (gold and white robes): AC 5; MV 9; Prll; hp 57; THAC0 14; #AT l; Dmg 1d6+2 (foot man's mace + 1 Spells: 5 1st, 4 2nd, 4 3rd, 3 4th, 2 5th, and 1 6th

Four Gleaming Priests (silver and white robes): AC 7; MV 12; Pr4; hp 20; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6: Spells: 3 1st and 2 2nd

Ten Glimmering Priests (white robes): AC 8; MV 12; Prl; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6; Spell: 1 1st

R8: Temple of Pholtus. Though not large, the Temple of Pholtus is stoutly built and .. & marvelous in appearance. Deliberately built in a crime-ridden area of the city, this gleaming structure of white marble is precisely symmetrical and lit at night by various light spells. The temple contains a small chapel and many tiny cells in which priests of this order live humble, lawful lives of devotion and prayer. The temple has no treasury (donations are quickly spent on church upkeep) but a few valuable vestments and cups are kept here. The elderly high priest is Atkandy Benris [LN hm C12 — Pholtus; hp 61; Str 16, Wis 17; quarterstaff +4, bracers of defense AC 3].

DM's Notes: Arkandy Benris and some lesser lawful neutral priests ate involved in secret operations to support the war in Tenh being conducted by the Theocracy of the Pale. The congregation and priests are divided on this issue, as the lawful good members of the religion are often assailed as heretics by the Pale, and the members resent this very much. Bentis, however, sides with the Pale, He claims to be spending donations on church upkeep, but he is sending money (quite a lot of it) in the form of gems to the Pale. The couriers are religious fanatics with warrior training who will fight until slain before giving up the gems they secretly carry. Also, Benris and his clerics are searching for evil or chaotic cults in Greyhawk more intensely than before, particularly any group associated with Juz. Tenhas in Greyhawk are being sought for conversion to join the Pale’s holy war. The priests are being secretive about this because they intend to turn Greyhawk into a center of Pholtus worship in time, or at . least into a major supporter of the Pale against its enemies. Benris would like information on Nyrond’s ambassadors in the city if possible.


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