Unlike most other guilds, racial guilds are united not by common interest or a common business, but by common heritage. They allow members of a minority race—such as elves or halflings in a human city—to interact, speak their own tongue, exchange offers of employment, share news from home, and simply relax in a place designed to accommodate them. In cities where prejudice and oppression exist, these guilds also fi ght for the rights of their members. In most cases, this activity means putting political and economic pressure on local merchants and, if at all possible, the government. Tales even exist of racial guilds taking up arms against the leaders of a city in open revolt. Alas, most such tales end in defeat; such guilds are not particularly powerful organizations.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, only members of the race to which the guild is dedicated can join. In a select few instances, the guild allows members from other races, if they are truly devoted to helping create a better world for the guild’s primary race.

Examples: Elves’ Consortium, the Goblin Liberation Front.

Associated Classes: Varies by race, but always includes the race’s favored class.

Associated Skills: Varies by race, but always includes any skills on which the race gains a racial bonus. Duties: Members must do their best to advance the cause of the guild’s race. Wherever possible, they must buy goods and services from members of that race, and support political candidates of that race.

Favored Benefits: Members gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks involving any member of that race who knows of the guild’s existence.

Sample Contact: Dugal Ruunahuun (dwarf fi ghter 5). Dugal will accompany the PC on a single adventure, so long as it promises to involve a confl ict with orcs, goblinoids, or giants. Once only.


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