Ravel Dasinder Patriarch of Boccob

Ravel 1s 64 years old, 6'0" tall, 155 lbs. with thinning gray hair and gray-blue eyes. His face is dominated by a beaked nose, and his lips are thin and bloodless. He is quiet, studious, and extremely reticent, taking an age to reply to any query. Ravel effectively possesses many magical items, since he has the resources of his temple available; assume he has access lo almost any divinatory magic he requires, likewise scrolls and potions.

Ravel is a member of the Directing Oligarchy, elected precisely because he virtually never interferes in the affairs of the city. Ravel knows much and says almost nothing. He is only truly concerned with the safety of Greyhawk, and cares little about the day-to-day minutiae of politics. However. when a sound judgment on some tactical issue is needed, most Oligarchs look to Dasinder. The High Patriarch of Boccob has unequaled knowledge of future events, and it is this which makes him a valued contact of Mordenkainen. Both men thirst for knowledge, but have different ways of obtaining it: the archmage through contacts and his forms of scrying, the patriarch by communing with the All-Knowing Boccob and by other such means. Ravel is not an agent of the Circle of Eight , but his sympathies often lie in the same direction.

Ravel Dasinder has a great dislike of intemperate people. Cunning, deviousness and downright dishonesty are acceptable-he finds Nerof Gasgal amusing on this score-but aggressiveness is not. Thus, he strongly dislikes Otiluke, and is currently trying to get him removed from the Oligarchy, making representations to an amused (but concerned) Kieren Jalucian on this score.

From Adventure Begins

Ravel Dasinder, Patriarch of Boccob [N hm C18 — Boccob; hp 72; Dex 15, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 18; age 73; areas H13 / C6]. Speaks little and slowly, seems very uninvolved in discussions; unrivaled divination ability and knowledge of future events and trends; close ally of Mordenkainen of the Circle of Eight; personal life unknown; hates aggression and haste, but accepts deviousness; concerned only with the security of Greyhawk.

AC 1 (Dex 15, chain mail + 2, shield +1 MV 12; Prl 7; hp 70: THAC0 10; IAT 1; 0mg ld6 +3 (quarterstaff +3 Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 16. Wis 18, Cha 14: AL N.

Spells: 9 1st, 9 2nd, 8 3rd. 8 4th. 5 5th, 3 6th, and 2 7th.

Magical items: chain mail + 2, shield + 1, quarterstaff + 3, and also see below.


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