Realmspace Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Notable Locations: Toril, Selune, Garden, H’Catha

Notable Figures: Elminster Aumar, Laerel Silverhand, Drizzt Do’Urden


Crystal Sphere: Yes


Astral Haze: Yes


Read Up: SJR2 – Realmspace, Spelljammer Academy


Realmspace is the Wildspace system which contains the world of Toril—also called the Forgotten Realms, though nobody ever seems to forget them these days. One of the most prominent and populous systems in known space, Realmspace has been home to innumerable heroes, ancient legends, and battles that have affected the entire multiverse. It was from Realmspace that the Spellplague began, which altered the Weave and curtailed the power of mages 150 years prior, and from Realmspace that the Imperial Elven Navy gains most of its fleet.

System Overview


Realmspace is a standard system with a central sun as its primary and eight major planets. Numerous creatures—nearly any creature in the multiverse—can be found somewhere in Realmspace, and you can’t shake a stick without hitting a powerful hero who has defeated some important evil or another.


Many creatures from even beyond our multiverse, such as the loxodons of Ravnica have made their way to the Realms.



The first planet from the sun, Anadia is a size B Spherical world with habitable zones at its poles. The vast central region is a burning wilderness of deserts, badlands, and lava fields that is hostile to humanoid life. The polar zones are inhabited by tribes of halflings, some of whom are friendly and have dealings with Spelljamming ships.



A size Class G air body, this massive gas giant is the second planet from the Sun. Inhabited by flying creatures such as dragons, Coliar is also dotted with flying earth motes and flying lakes, some of which house tribes of aarakocra, lizardfolk and a few other bipedal creatures who have migrated from other planets. Its near proximity to the sun keeps it warm year around despite not having a solid surface to hold heat.



A size class E spherical earth body, Toril is the most populous planet in Realmspace and the site of many great deeds and adventures. The crown jewel of the Realmspace deity’s creation, Toril was once a much larger world called Abeir-Toril, which was split in two at the end of the Dawn War by Ao to prevent the planet from being torn apart by the Primordials’ and Gods’ conflict.


In addition to its inhabited moon, Selune, there is also a field of asteroids that orbit Toril called the Tears of Selune; many Spelljamming bases and pirate hideouts can be found within those rocks.



Also a size class E spherical earth body, Abeir was once part of Toril and the two planets together were called Abeir-Toril, meaning ‘Cradle of Life’. After the Overgod, Lord Ao, split them apart, they remained separate and ignorant of the other’s existence for tens of thosuands of years, until the Spellplague’s ravishing of the Weave caused portions of the two worlds to be exchanged. The exchanged sections of the worlds have been returned to their rightful places, but entrepreneurial Spelljammer captains have postulated that there may be a way to reach Abeir via space travel, and if that were possible, a lucrative trade between the worlds could be had.



A size D water body, Karpri is orbited by a massive space station constructed by the Imperial Elven Navy called Karpri Station. However, it is currently under the control of Illithids. The planet, meanwhile, is a difficult world to live on, with no land masses. The poles and their jagged ice are unwelcoming to most incoming vessels, and the tangle of vegetation that bands the equator is likewise ill-suited to hosting major ports. The planet is inhabited by sea elves and gnomes, as well as all manner of other oceanic creatures.




A spherical Earth body of size class E, ringed and bearing three moons, Glyth has long been a mind flayer colony. The Illithids live deep beneath the surface of the world in underground caverns, each city domineering and vying for additional power and influence. Any humanoid who ends up on Glyth is inevitably taken captive and brainwashed into a docile and placid state to provide brains for the populace, but an underground (literally) band of freedom fighters called the Free Thinkers fights the overlords of Glyth every step of the way.




Garden is perhaps the most unusual planet in Realmspace (though that may be contested by H’Catha): it is a Size A cluster liveworld. The main structure of Garden is a massive plant-like creature called Yggdrasil’s Child, bound into which are numerous smaller asteroids. Garden does have some natives, including a tribe of North-Men and pirates who use the cluster as a base of operations.




The most distant planet of Realmspace is H’Catha, a disc-shaped water body with a singular rocky mountain that rises from the center of the sea. This mountain, called The Spindle due to how thin it is relative to its great height, is purported to have the ability to grant anyone who ascends to the top of its cavernous interior all the knowledge of the multiverse. The beholders who inhabit H’Catha all vie for this, but their constant sabotage of each other and mutual enmity make it nearly impossible for any beholder to get very far.


Allegedly the only beholder to ever do so is none other than Large Luigi himself. I guess that’s where he got all this information.


H’Catha also has two moons called Turnbelt and Lumbe.


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