Redhand Personalities

Marionnen: Major Cambion (Str 18/50, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 11 AC 3 (ring of protection +2 hp 39; SA/SD standard cambion tanar'ri, also charm per son 3/day; AL CE. Marionnen uses his polymorph power to appear as a 6' human fighter-type most of the time. With his unusually high Charisma for a major cambion and his charm power, Marionnen likes to flatter himself that he has some true tanar'ri blood in him and is very sensitive on this point. Technically in the service of Pazrael, Marionnen is enjoying empire-building in Tral lant and has become a good logistics expert. He actually enjoys poring over figures for patrols, treasure captured, troop strengths, equipment stocks and the like. He has a bodyguard of six charmed Shield Land fighters of levels 6-10 who have been so brainwashed with fear, charm, suggestion and other mind-affecting spells that they are now virtually robotic, reflexive defenders of their new liege. A heal or its equivalent would be needed to change this. Marionnen enjoys confusing the rulers of Riftcrag just for the fun of it and he is having a good time playing the lord and liege in Trallant.


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