
Redoubt is a huge military garrison town, protecting the approach to Chendl. It is dominated by its great five-towered stone castle. This structure is still being repaired after being damaged in the wars. The siege of Chendl left this castle isolated, a single point of light in a sea of darkness as Iuz’s horrors swarmed around it.

The garrison of Redoubt numbers 2,000 men, and every able bodied soul here has at least some leather armor and a hand weapon, so that virtually everyone is a solider or a levyman.

All the native Furyondians here saw what orcs, goblins and fiends did to their brethren during the wars. Hideously mutilated corpses were flung over the walls of the castle, often animating into zombies to assault the survivors inside. Helpless farming folk were gleefully sacrificed to Iuz before the castle gates, and then eaten by orcs. Redoubt’s people do not forget the horrors of the long days, and the stalking nightmares of the black nights.

Baron Kalinstren may be chaotic, but he rules his provisional capital with an iron fist. Military curfews run from dusk to dawn. Exceptions are allowed only for those who work through the night repairing buildings and walls and building the secondary defenses. Expert dwarven engineers, recruited all the way from the Lortmils, are overseeing this work.

Baron Kalinstren is constantly moving among his men. He keeps the morale of others up, risking his own health and precarious sanity. He hates wasting time with politics, and all he really wants to know from an important visitor is whether he brings money, goods or men for the cause. Kalinstren’s goal is resumption of war in the early spring, 586 CY, and he’s preparing everyone for that. Redoubt has a good mix of troop types (see “Characters and Forces”) from many regions. These include the barony, southern militias, Vesve men, Velunese and even a few volunteers from as far afield as Ulek. These Ulek volunteers are organized into a roving band, with free reign to pillage the ores to the north.

This town is a great place to find adventure, battle and skirmishes, or just to hear all the news from around northern Furyondy and the Highfolk. Unfortunately, it has begun to attract its share of thieves who prey on soldiers overindulging in ale. These outlaws risk the harsh justice and stern penalties for crime here.


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