
The quarries of Redstone are a vital resource for Crystalreach. They extend for almost two miles of surface mines, where a hard red stone akin to toughened limestone is cut from the earth. These stones are shipped throughout Crystalreach and even into eastern Kalinstren for building projects.

Work in the quarry is hard and dangerous. There are never as many workers here as could find employ. A handful of low-level mages assist with simple spells such as Tenser’s floating disc and the like.

Over 400 stonecutters, riggers and teamsters work the Redstone quarries. Among the workers are some real oddballs. A pair of charmed ogres captured from the Horned Society labor happily in the quarry. A dozen or so gnomes who have migrated here from the Cairn Hills northwest of Greyhawk City form a single skilled work crew. A group of thirty Nyrondese, exiles from their own kingdom, make a hard living here. The quarries are also garrisoned by 100 infantrymen who protect this vital interest. They too work in the quarries when the need is great.

Work crews in the quarries are directed by the dour dwarf, Mamadal. The surly dwarf never gives a clan name and doesn't say where he comes from, but the unique magical wand he has ensures the workers put up with his impatience and yelling. Of rare dwarven design, the wand can carve through solid rock and hew out a yard square block in but a minute. Mamadal employs it when he has a tough quota to meet. He pushes his workers to the limits of endurance but never beyond, always treating them fairly.

Exactly how Mamadal came to administer the quarries, with his long faced young human scribe, Darryan, taking care of paperwork, is a puzzle. Everyone just seems to accept him. Perhaps the symbol of persuasion inscribed on a battered (and shuttered) wooden shield he carries has something to do with it.

Mamadal moans all day. He complains to all who will listen that the work here is never appreciated. He is always having more demanded of him, workers feign sickness, and so on (and on and on). A dwarf player character, commiserating with him over some ales, might well find out more of this odd exile after the ale has loosened his tongue.


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