Reiken Sarios, Thief - originally fighter

Representative for Arms Dealer

AC 2/0 (leacher armor + 2, boots of speed reduce AC by - 2 out doors only MV 12: F7/T5; hp 54; THAC0 18: KAT 3/2; Dmg 1d8 +6 / 1d12 +6 (long sword +2) or 1d4 +4 (dagger of venom Str 18/72, Dex 18. Con 17, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 11: AL LE: SA tnple damage on backstab. thief skills; SD thief skills: XP 975;

Thieving skills: PP50, OL 50, FT 40, MS 45. HS 40, ON 20, CW 80, RL 25;

Other magical items carried: ring of free action, potion of fire breath (small dose for 3d4 points of damage only)


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