Religion in the Free City

Certain priests and cults have assumed increasing importance in the city’s daily life.

Jerome Kazinskaia, Patriarch of Rao (FFF, p.29) has become a leading diplomatic figure. He warmly hosts dinners for the representatives of Nyrond, Furyondy, and Urnst, and the ex officio representative of the Ulek states, Scherrin Marizan. He balances this hospitality by having discussions with the Scarlet Brotherhood ambassador and even Aerdi’s representative, although his tolerance is stretched by the latter. Jerome may not be trusted by all, but no one actively distrusts his word. He is consulted on the drafting of almost all diplomatic treaties.

Stakaster Villaine, Patriarch of Zilchus, is increasingly influential. Senior members of the Merchants and Traders Union are known to meet with him to discuss trade, and the congregation at the temple of Zilchus has been growing. Stakaster is arguably the leading economist in the Free City in the sense that his counsel against increasing taxation of trade may have swayed the Directors against this course, and the merchants of Greyhawk are grateful. The Directors consult with him on many aspects of financial planning.

Janziduur, Priestess of Trithereon, is no less than a full-fledged war heroine. She spent most of the Greyhawk Wars fighting in the Principality of Ulek, her birthplace, and while modest herself, tales of her extraordinary valor and selfless- ness have filtered back from grizzled war veterans of Ulek. Even hardened misogynists defer to her with respect and admiration.

Her church has a greatly expanded following. Exiles from the Shield Lands and even a few from the Lost Lands and Tenh have become ardent converts to the Power of retribution and revenge. The Directors dislike this cult since it stirs up strong passions and trouble.

The order of St. Cuthbert has received increasing support in Greyhawk as elsewhere. High Priestess Eritai Kaan-Ipzirel has made no secret of her desire to become a Director, a prospect Nerof Gasgal and his inner circle absolutely dread. Eritai is wily, and has offered to put some of the temple’s funds at the disposal of sponsoring extra militiamen. This cunning tactic capitalizes on the popularity of the Nightwatchmen with city folk (since they have always been supported by priests of this Power). She may yet succeed in her aims.

A small temple to Mayaheine has been established in the Old City, just east of location T3 (Old City Watch Station; GoF, p.84). This cult has been careful to keep a modest profile so far, and has a small but very devoted following. The Directors of Greyhawk are not bothered about this cult, as long as they feel it is within the ambit of the Church of Pelor. The resident priest, Veni Jarrison, is detailed in the Heroes and Villains section.


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